
What does purpose means to you whenever you come across the word??
Well I want to make this an open discussion for everyone reading this right now to think deeply into this word.

Well to me PURPOSE as the name implies, in our own common sense we know is an intension,an aim,a target or a result desired.
Discovering or finding your purpose in life, I can say is the first step towards attaining a bright future,a successful life and peace of mind.
A lot of us today (youths to be specific) haven't discovered their purpose in life.

I'll end this post giving y'all sometime to think deeply into this word PURPOSE.

God created us,giving each of us all a PURPOSE in life.
By finding out our purpose we can now have the mindset of attaining an accomplished life.
So I want y'all reading this right now to meditate on this, asking yourselfs questions like
1: what are my objectives in life.
2: Has God truly(which is indeed) given me something I have not discovered yet?
3: What am I best in doing.
So many thoughts will run through your mind and we'll discuss about them next time.
            Thanks for reading.
            Benjamin N Steven.


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